An irresistible healthy blender chocolate ice cream recipe made with 4 ingredients! No dairy, no eggs, no bananas. This no churn, guilt-free ice cream takes minutes to prepare and is loaded with a weight-control secret.
Serve now as a soft-serve or cover and freeze until you reach the texture you want.
If you freeze the finished ice cream overnight, let it thaw 20 minutes before scooping.
Top with homemade chocolate sauce or a melted chocolate bar! Enjoy!
*add 3 tablespoon cold coffee and/or ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper to overpower any coconut flavor if you opt to use canned coconut milk.About the Milk or Cream. I used full fat coconut milk, unsweetened and canned, not the type from the refrigerator section. I can recommend brands Whole Foods 365, Thai kitchen or Nature's Valley. If you use heavy cream, you'll find that in the refrigerated section. If you want to use another type of milk, you will need to go with a high fat milk, and the ice cream will still end up more of a soft serve texture.Choose a nut butter brand that does not added sugar or other ingredients.Don't leave off the vanilla. The alcohol in the extract will lower the freezing point making your ice cream softer and easier to scoop.